Favorite Topics

  • Biology - Cell Structure (0% of 31 completed)

    Understand the structure and functions of cells, including organelles like the nucleus, mitochondria, and ribosomes. A must-know for biology students.

My Topics

  • Florystka (0% of 32 completed) ✏️

    Интрументы флористики на польском и на расском языке

  • Обманки переводчика с русского на польский (52% of 67 completed) ✏️

    Слова, которые звучат также как и по-польски но значение у них разное а также включи туда список интернациональных слов как например баскетбол будет по-другому по-польски и также например скейтборд там тоже будет по-другому по-польски ну и так далее.

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Community Topics

  • Art Movements (6% of 33 completed)

    Explore major art movements throughout history, including Renaissance, Baroque, Romanticism, Modernism, and more. Great for art history enthusiasts.

  • Biology - Cell Structure (0% of 31 completed)

    Understand the structure and functions of cells, including organelles like the nucleus, mitochondria, and ribosomes. A must-know for biology students.

  • Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies (0% of 98 completed)

    Get familiar with the concepts of blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies, and their applications. Great for tech and finance enthusiasts.

  • Classical Mythology (6% of 34 completed)

    Explore characters, gods, and myths from ancient Greek and Roman mythology. Great for literature and history enthusiasts.

  • Computer Science Fundamentals (0% of 33 completed)

    Understand core computer science concepts, such as algorithms, data structures, databases, and networking. Great for CS students and tech professionals.

  • Cybersecurity Essentials (3% of 35 completed)

    Understand the basics of cybersecurity, including common threats, protective measures, and best practices. Ideal for tech enthusiasts and professionals.

  • Digital Marketing Terms (0% of 34 completed)

    Get familiar with key digital marketing concepts and terms, such as SEO, PPC, content marketing, and social media strategies. Ideal for marketing professionals.

  • English Grammar Rules (0% of 34 completed)

    Brush up on your English grammar, covering topics such as verb tenses, punctuation, and sentence structure. Ideal for ESL students and writers.

  • Environmental Science (0% of 35 completed)

    Understand key concepts in environmental science, including ecosystems, sustainability, and climate change. Perfect for students and environmentalists.

  • French Verb Conjugations (0% of 32 completed)

    Master French verb conjugations in different tenses, including regular and irregular verbs. Essential for French language learners.

  • German Phrases for Travel (0% of 34 completed)

    Learn useful German phrases for travel, including greetings, asking for directions, and ordering food. Great for travelers and German learners.

  • Historical Dates

    Learn significant dates and events from world history, from ancient civilizations to modern times. A great resource for history students and buffs.

  • Human Anatomy

    Understand the human body by learning the names and functions of bones, muscles, organs, and other body systems. Ideal for students and medical professionals.

  • Japanese Hiragana & Katakana (0% of 35 completed)

    Learn the basics of the Japanese writing system, including the Hiragana and Katakana alphabets. Essential for Japanese language learners.

  • JavaScript Interview Questions

    Prepare for JavaScript job interviews with common questions and answers about language features, frameworks, and best practices.

  • Mathematical Formulas

    Review important mathematical formulas, from algebra and geometry to calculus. Perfect for students looking to reinforce their understanding of math.

  • Medical Terminology

    Review common medical terms, prefixes, suffixes, and abbreviations used in the healthcare field. Useful for medical students and professionals.

  • Mindfulness and Meditation

    Learn techniques and concepts related to mindfulness, meditation, and mental well-being. Perfect for those interested in self-care and psychology.

  • Music Theory Basics (0% of 33 completed)

    Learn the fundamentals of music theory, including scales, chords, and notation. Ideal for musicians and music students.

  • Nutrition and Diet (0% of 36 completed)

    Learn about macronutrients, micronutrients, and healthy diet principles. Ideal for health enthusiasts and nutrition students.

  • Periodic Table Elements (0% of 30 completed)

    Get to know the elements of the periodic table, including their symbols, atomic numbers, and properties. Perfect for chemistry students.

  • Philosophy - Key Concepts

    Explore major philosophical ideas and concepts, including existentialism, utilitarianism, and stoicism. Great for philosophy students.

  • Physics - Laws of Motion

    Understand Newton's laws of motion and other fundamental principles in physics. Perfect for physics students and science enthusiasts.

  • polish-russian (94% of 445 completed)

    polish words with russian translation

  • Popular DevOps tools (17% of 64 completed)

    Popular devops tools

  • Programming Languages

    Key concepts, syntax, and functions of popular programming languages like Python, JavaScript, Java, and C++. Great for budding software developers.

  • Python Programming methods (0% of 33 completed)

    Python programming methods from functools library

  • SAT Vocabulary (0% of 69 completed)

    Enhance your vocabulary for the SAT exam with words frequently encountered in the test. Perfect for high school students preparing for college admissions.

  • Space Exploration

    Learn about the milestones in space exploration, key missions, space agencies, and astronomical discoveries. Perfect for space enthusiasts.

  • Spanish language (0% of 31 completed)

    Spanish idioms translated to russian

  • Spanish Vocabulary

    Learn essential Spanish vocabulary words, from basic to advanced, covering topics such as greetings, food, travel, and more.

  • U.S. Presidents (0% of 32 completed)

    Memorize the U.S. Presidents, their terms, key achievements, and historical contexts. Useful for history students and enthusiasts.

  • World Capitals

    Memorize the capitals of countries around the world, from major nations to lesser-known regions. Useful for geography enthusiasts and travelers.

  • Подготовка к экзамену B1 (0% of 35 completed)

    Слова и выражения для подготовки к экзамену по польскому языку на B1. Включи разные темы и вопросы а также фразы используемые на экзамене.